Archive Viewer
Archive Viewer provides a simple and consistent interface for viewing scanned books and documents.
Archive Viewer isn’t an archive (files aren’t hosted here and can’t be uploaded). Rather, Archive Viewer is an aggregator and viewer of scanned images that are publicly available on archive websites and repositories, including the following:
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a digital library that hosts more than 36 million scanned texts, as well as other resources.
HathiTrust is a partnership of research libraries that provides access to millions of digitized books.
Google Books
Google Books provides scans and full-text indexes to more than 40 million books.
Church History Library
The Church History Library archives materials related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Joseph Smith Papers
Joseph Smith Papers is a project to publish historical records related to Joseph Smith Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement.
The FamilySearch Digital Library provides access to scanned publications that support genealogical research.
Brigham Young University
BYU Digital Collections has scanned books, documents, and other materials held by the Brigham Young University library.
University of Utah
The J. Willard Marriott Digital Library has scanned materials from the University of Utah.
Utah Digital Newspapers
Utah Digital Newspapers is a project sponsored by the University of Utah to digitize all Utah newspapers.
Google News Archive
Google News Archive is a digital archive of scanned newspapers from the 1700s to the early 2000s.
Hymnary is a comprehensive online database of Christian hymns, hymnals, and hymn writers.
IIIF Manifest
The IIIF Presentation API is a standard JSON format for presenting collections of images.
PDF is a standard format for fixed-layout documents.
(Archive Viewer is not endorsed by or formally affiliated with any of the organizations listed above.)
Why another viewer?
The main goals of Archive Viewer are speed, simplicity, and consistency. Most of the archive websites listed above have their own document viewers. Some of them are fast and easy to use, but others are not. Some of the viewers on other websites provide specialized features. When possible, Archive Viewer provides links to the original source, allowing you to jump to the relevant page in the source viewer when needed.
Getting started
If you have a URL or ID for a resource you’d like to load, tap on one of the resource types above. Or, tap “Collections” at the top of the page to see resources that have been indexed for convenient access.