
Archive Viewer is created and maintained by Samuel Bradshaw.

Feel free to contact me with questions or feedback! samuel@sbradshaw.net

Copyright information

Archive Viewer links to images and resources hosted on other websites. Some of these resources are copyrighted. Linking to copyrighted materials that are legally hosted on another website does not violate copyright. According to legal precedent, this includes hotlinking, inline linking, or embedding materials using HTML <img>, <svg>, <canvas>, <iframe>, <audio>, and <video> tags.

Most images displayed on Archive Viewer are hosted elsewhere, but occasionally, Archive Viewer may host low-resolution thumbnails of copyrighted images. Thumbnails facilitate research by helping users find resources more quickly. In cases where thumbnails are hosted by Archive Viewer, fair use protection is claimed.

Privacy policy

This section explains what data Archive Viewer collects from users, and how that data is used.

Anonymous information. Archive Viewer uses Google Analytics to track usage trends. This allows us to get an idea of how many users visit the site, how users get to the site (for example, via search), and where users come from (browser, country, etc.). Information gathered for analytics is aggregrated such that individual users are anonymous. Based on this information, Archive Viewer can be improved, to make sure that the most relevant content becomes easier to find.

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Archive Viewer does not collect or store any personally identifiable information.


Collections (groups or series of publications): 437 (287 with publications cataloged)
Cataloged publications (unique book editions, broadsides, periodical issues, etc.): 87511 (121 publication languages)
Cataloged resources (digitized items from various repositories): 113430 (5958734 cataloged page images)